Kishan Shah


Having personally been a devoted student of Yoga and Meditation for over two decades, I remain awe inspired how it still has tremendous power and impact in my life.  My classes are designed and taught from my rich background of experiences and learnings from my teachers and personal practice.  I have been teaching Yoga and practicing Ayurvedic medicine for 18 years and they are still the most favorite things that I offer in this world.  Nothing brings me more joy than to witness people practicing yoga and getting the results they have long desired for themselves.  My focus in teaching is an intricate weaving of traditional philosophy and approach to practicing Yoga for spiritual growth and attuning the body and mind with the divine.  The results I seek from practicing Yoga and Meditation is a greatly improved connection to mySelf: a body that feels stronger, healthier and clean and a mind that is more focused, patient and expansive.  When the mind and body are kept in tune we are then available to be in alignment with our Self.  Yes, the one with a capital S.  This is what I offer to you.  I look forward to practicing with you all. Namaste
